Book Review: Gold Rush Adventure by the Great Horn Spoon

Book Review: Clara and the Bookwagon

Rivals! Frenemies Who Changed the World
By Scott McCormick, this is an audiobook that is, in fact, an Audible original and is part of their promotion to help “entertain, teach, and keep young minds engaged.” Audible recognizes that this is a difficult time and is offering many of their audiobooks for free...

Stryder’s Book of the Week: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Old School
This is a book that we checked out from the library. He read most of it in one night (all the way to page 159). Manny’s mom was potty training him and so she made the rule “no pants after dinner.” Manny skipped around the house and peed behind the recliner. (Note from...

Rosie’s Book of the Week: Guinea Pig Party
This is a board book that we checked out from the library. She had it read to her sitting cuddled beside me on the couch. She has also had it read while she drew at the table. Finally, she had it read while she was hanging upside down like a bat.Rosie liked the cute...

What I’m Reading: Building A Storybrand by Donald Miller
I'm reading this book the old-fashion way. More specifically, I'm reading the hardback version of the book. I'm partial to physical books because I like to highlight, underline, and make notes all over the place!If there's one takeaway from this book it's this:...

What I’m Reading: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
I’m reading this on my phone, which means I’m ingesting this book very slowly. Although, e readers are a popular choice for many people, I find it difficult to speed read or ingest content quickly while using an e reader.Habit 1 is be proactive. Proactive people...