My Philosophy of Education
- I believe that all children are unique and they all are capable of learning.
- It is the responsibility of the educator to provide the right tools, environment, and appropriate expectations.
- These tools include a warm, welcoming, and fun atmosphere where children know their boundaries and feel safe enough to share ideas, take risks, make mistakes, and grow.
What does that mean for you and your child?
- It means that you’ll always know what to expect. I value clear communication between all people involved.
- It means that your child will come knowing that they will have fun, make mistakes, and learn.
- It means I am passionate about my subject and, as a result, have students come back—sometimes years later—to ask questions.
- Finally, it means that you can expect things to look different than a typical classroom setting, but it’s different on purpose and it serves a purpose.
I can’t wait to work with you and your child.